It had been a long day full of good things, but frankly I was done. I was more than tired. I was weary which was quickly descending into quelled annoyance with anyone and anything. A non-verbal sink full of dishes was my last hurrah before giving myself permission to crash. Through the window as I stood with soap up to my elbows I heard a herd of seemingly unhappy goats, the call to prayer, two women arguing and neighborhood dogs barking at an unfortunate cat who got caught in the mix.
The continuing cacophony left me with a resounding answer of “No.” Not just no, but “heck no.”
Sigh. I finished the dishes and wiped down the counters. I turned off the light and began my evening ablutions.
Crawling into bed I muttered something very Scarlett-like and declared, “After all, tomorrow is another day," told John good night and went to sleep.
At 12:38 am (I remember distinctly) I heard what sounded like hammering. This is not unusual. It seems that workmen here get their second wind after midnight. However, the hammering sounded incredibly close. That was unusual and (do I dare use the word again?) annoying.
I got up and looked out the kitchen window. I could see a couple buildings over that some workmen were doing something to an apartment that was being renovated, but what and why so much pounding?
I debated whether I should get dressed and go investigate OR do I ask John to get dressed and go investigate? I liked that idea better. He didn’t. Soon I saw our landlord walking toward the noise and checking out the scene. Ah, sweet relief. He’ll tell the guy that this isn’t going to work and we’ll all go back to bed. No dice.
Our landlord greeted the workers and then he and his wife proceeded to get into their Jeep and drive to town. (Some weddings would just now be starting…)
The hammering continued TAP-TAP-taptaptap, TAP-TAP-taptaptap, TAP-TAP-taptaptap, TAP-TAP-taptaptap…
In my mind, I begged, pleaded, plotted, threatened and called down fire from heaven. Still they hammered on.
Finally at 3:33 am (I remember this also), they packed up their wares and departed. No party or work usually occurs after the call to prayer which happens around 4 am.
I dozed off in an angry, aggravated, sleepy stupor.
I woke up early the next day against my will. John’s a morning person which makes me feel like a slacker if I am not up and about by 7:30. (Only in my mind…he never says anything…self-imposed.)
We got ready to go to our little international church service when I ran into the people organizing the flat renovation. They were very excited that the new tenants were preparing to move some things in that day and they wanted everything to be ready including new screens on every window...even if it meant working into the wee hours of the morning.
I smiled. While I was about to research remote-controlled tasers, these dear people were trying to show extreme hospitality to the newcomers. I was ashamed and embarrassed at my behavior. So selfish. So what-about-these-bags-under-my-eyes-centric! Hospitality is key here and welcoming new friends is paramount. Sleep could come later…for everyone.
I had a chance to test my change of heart for the very next night the closet-building man arrived at 9:30 pm complete with hammer, drill and loud-playing radio. Ah, yes. while he builds storage, I’ll build some better character.
Jesus, help me to do just that.