Wednesday 14 August 2013

What's Happening Now in S. Egypt

John had just returned from walking to a travel agency when he commented, "It was strange out in town today.  Hardly anyone was around."

"That is strange," I thought.  We began researching the news and discovered that a lot is going on in Egypt.  TV is full of images of the violent interactions in Cairo.  It's surreal.

Our news is somewhat limited here because the local news is all in Arabic and we just aren't to the level of understanding it yet.  We went to our friend's flat where they have satellite TV and internet (same apartment complex).  There we began to hear what is happening locally around us.

It seems that a country-wide curfew is in effect for all citizens.  From 7 pm to 6 am all people are to be off the streets or risk jail.  John returned home at 6:45 pm.  That explained the empty streets.

It's reported that protesters here have taken over the governate building and are gathering in a local square near the train station.  All trains have been stopped to and from this location, however, the airport remains open and running.

We have a contingency plan should we need it.  Most events take place late afternoon and evening.  John and I only move throughout the city during the morning when most are asleep.  When tensions are very high, we just stay inside.  We have local friends who have offered their help should we need it.

Thank you sincerely for your prayers and encouragement.  Would you please remember our dear Egyptian friends who are suffering turmoil, violence, confusion and a murky future?  Pray that we will be able to offer help and hope during this upheaval and represent Jesus in all that we do.

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