Friday, 26 July 2013

Snow Day in Egypt

Marketplace downtown Aswan

It's 11:33 am on Friday here in Aswan and I'm typing this entry to the sounds of the imam's sermon coming through the windows of our apartment.  Today will be another big day for Egypt.  Earlier this week the general of the Egyptian army said, “I ask all honorable and faithful Egyptians to take to the streets on Friday (July 26), to mandate me to confront terrorism and violence. I did not ask of you anything before."  Even Egyptians aren't exactly sure what he's asking them to do. 

However, John and I took this as our cue to call a "snow day."  When we were in S*dan we'd sometimes have days that would be tenuous due to political unrest.  As a result, we'd call a "snow day" for our team asking them to purchase enough groceries for a few days and to lay low.

That's our plan today.  While we are far removed from the happenings in Cairo, we understand that there are a variety of local groups with intense feelings over what is taking place.  They have differing opinions on what the correct solution should be and that causes the tension.

But the individual struggle (whether acknowledged or not) is the same for all of us…to be heard, to matter, to know true freedom, to know your soul is at peace…

We are grateful to be here now, for it's in times of shaking (personally and as a nation) that causes examination of our ideals, principles and values.  How privileged we are to proclaim the God in Psalm 93:

God is King, robed and ruling,
God is robed and surging with strength.

And yes, the world is firm, immovable,
Your throne ever firm—you’re Eternal!

Sea storms are up, God,
Sea storms wild and roaring,
Sea storms with thunderous breakers.

Stronger than wild sea storms,
Mightier than sea-storm breakers,
Mighty God rules from High Heaven.

What you say goes—it always has.
“Beauty” and “Holy” mark your palace rule,
God, to the very end of time.

Thank you sincerely for joining with us in prayer for the individuals that make up Egypt, S*dan and its neighboring countries who are facing similar turmoil.  

First visit to Aswan

Friends in Egypt


Today's BOGO Blog:  Revolution

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