Friday 17 January 2014

Mosque Karaoke

Upper Egypt children, stock photo

Our day began yesterday typically enough with the call to prayer which happens in the wee hours of the morning.  On a "good" day, the imam will start with a short "get up and go to mosque" call, then go quiet for a bit before the official "now you should be at mosque and can begin praying" call.

It was all pretty much the same EXCEPT the guy didn't stop.  Not at all.  All morning, he kept the PA system on first with the call to prayer, then with some verses from the Q'ran then a full-blown sermon.  About the third hour into it, I looked at John and said, "What is the deal today?"

He shook his head.  We couldn't figure out why or how we ordered the "extended play" package.  Our neighbors called us asking the same thing.  We thought that maybe it had something to do with the response to the constitution vote which had taken place this week.

Hours 4 and 5 went by, the imam still going strong except now two additional mosques joined in.  Finally, yet another neighbor informed us that Thursday was "Children's Day" in which all the children celebrate Mohammad's birthday.  They receive sweets and have a parade.  The imam also dedicates extra time to sermonizing.

Our neighbor wanted us to know so that we wouldn't think that there was an uprising taking place or a protest when the parade started because quite frankly you can't always tell the difference.

Hours 6, 7 and 8 included pre-recorded sermons as well as a few children who also had opportunity to broadcast on the "big mic."

There are no noise laws here and they wouldn't apply in this situation anyway because this is a legitimate service to the community (as we understand it).

Hours 9, 10 and 11 were trying my patience.  I began plotting that maybe the imam would get laryngitis or perhaps John could use his special studio skills and secretly cut the all-important speaker wires.  I stared off into the distance, diet Coke in hand and smiled at my cunning.

Hour 12 arrived and I had had it. I truly felt like this was some sort of psychological warfare and I was preparing to yell out my window, "I'LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW! JUST SHUT OFF THE SPEAKERS, I BEG YOU!"

I was almost to a full blown combustion when Jesus ever-so gently said, "Are you as determined to proclaim Me?"

I almost felt physically knocked back in my seat.  Mute.  Stunned.

Not long after, I heard the beginnings of the parade as forewarned.  Drums were beaten, horns were blown and children yelled while they walked through the village announcing the birth of their prophet.

Lord, forgive me.  I'm a selfish lot that thinks praying for an hour somehow earns me a merit badge and a special corner of Your heart.  

These sincere, wonderful people are doing all they know to win God's favor never quite sure if it will eventually tip the scale their way.

I listened to the noise fade and I bowed my head asking Jesus to use me to make Him known whether by word, deed or even 12-hour karaoke.

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