Sunday 23 February 2014

The Cavewoman Diet: Day 3

I woke up this morning with a bit of a brain fog.  I'm told this is totally normal.  In fact, any symptom, reason or excuse to think that this thing won't work has been addressed on their handy dandy website.  Why they even have a lady to talk you through your psychological issues if you need to blame your mother!

I walked to the kitchen and wondered if somewhere in the recesses of my memory a recipe of some sort might appear.  One that would taste just like Country Peach French Toast but only have the appearance of yet another morning of scrambled eggs with vegetables.  Oh, my kingdom for a bagel!

Of course, even if I were eating bagels I couldn't find one here in this part of the world for obvious reasons.  Still I could imagine…

I added fresh strawberries and bananas on the side so as to give a more "continental/luxurious" feel to our meal.  I resisted adding chocolate chips to it all.  That's progress.

We have guests that will arrive in about an hour.  They'll be with us for a week and I'm already embarrassed to greet them with the not-so-typical plate of bell pepper slices.  John saw me cutting up potatoes and thought that they were muffins.  I heard "food mirages" are normal too.  Although I keep an emergency Snickers nearby just in case either one of us go into shock.  You can never be too careful.

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