Wednesday 19 March 2014

A Mosaic of Village Happenings

The local terrain...

Mosaic #1:  As John and I walked through the village on our way to town a small girl greeted us.  This is not unusual.  As she shook my hand, she placed a piece of raw animal fat in it and smiled.  I did not scream.  I believe I have earned some sort of major award for this.  

Mosaic #2:  We heard wailing one evening as if someone died, however, it did not continue.  When we inquired, we found out that the family thought the man was dead, but rather he had had a stroke.  Friends who arrived at the cemetery were relieved to find out that they were to go instead to the hospital.

Mosaic #3:  The ladies I often drink tea with viewed photos of Aria, Emileigh and Jacob (our future son-in-law).  An older woman with four teeth on the bottom smiled widely and commented that she really likes the looks of Jacob and slapped the hands of the other women around her.

Mosaic #4:  A bird pooped on my head.

Mosaic #5:  As I was walking through the market a vendor asked if I would like to look at some spices.  Another man yelled at him and said, "Leave her alone.  She lives in the village."  I smiled.

Mosaic #6:  A very old grandma kissed me on both cheeks, announced she had been vomiting all night and invited me to sit and drink tea with her.  I did.

1 comment:

  1. Jacob laughed harder at #4 than he did #3, but I find #3 HILL-AIR-EE-US.
