Saturday 1 March 2014

The Cavewoman Diet: Day 8 and 9/Living on Food Grown Along the Nile

Everything centers around the Nile in this part of the world.
This week we hosted a few more guests in and out of our home.  I'm still struggling with food prep.  I mean not everyone should have to check in to Food Rehab against their will.  At the beginning of the week, one of the friends pulled me aside.  She told me that she had a medical condition that required her to eat only protein, vegetables, fruit and dairy.  Nothing else that would be considered unhealthy such as sugar, oils, etc.  

Wooooooohoooooooo!  She was so worried about talking to me about it and I was SO thrilled that we were almost on the same identical food wagon!  This would make the whole idea about meal prep so much less stressful.  She was relieved because we weren't having to make special accommodations for her.  Yessssssss……..

I purchased what I thought would be enough fruit and vegetables for the week.  I was out by Tuesday.  Seriously?!  I guess when each person has an equivalent of 2 cups of vegetables per meal…it doesn't take long to use up the supply.  Did I mention I'm not a fan of grocery shopping?  Not here and not in America…although I do admit to spending several hours in the American grocery store because I just couldn't stop looking at all the choices.
Beautiful produce in Egypt is grown on
farms along the Nile.

I went back Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday.  I can't buy too far ahead because it won't stay fresh.  So me and the produce guy are becoming great friends.  He gives me local prices and I buy bags and bags of stuff every other day.  The Coke guy just sits and stares wondering what in the world happened to his company bonus I was sure to help him secure.

I've had only a few detox moments when I truly craved Diet Coke and/or a piece of chocolate or really anything bread-like…or sugar-like…or cheeseburger like…okay…ANNNNYthing other than the BIG 3.  I busied myself with other things such as VERY EXCITING LAUNDRY or FASCINATING DISH SCRUBBING which quickly took my mind off the cravings.

We had opportunity to show our guests around our city which provided a lot of good walking in and through the city.  Exercise and eating right.  Maybe somewhere really did freeze over.

The book ("It Starts With Food") mentions that around Day 16 I should start feeling like I have "tiger blood."  Somehow all these good nutrients have gathered enough courage to try and take Fort Sugar and will leave me feeling incredibly energized.  That hasn't come yet.  I do admit to feeling more alert, having fewer headaches and a general sense of well-being.  I'll keep you posted on TIGER BLOOD DAY.  

But this body didn't come easily so it's going to take a bit (okay a lot!) to reprogram it to berry-loving, tree-hugging status.  Still…my pants are looser and I know I'm taking a good step toward a more productive existence.  That's a good thing.  

One of my friends tells me, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."  I'm not sure if she ever had the Mudpie Mojo at Coldstone Creamery, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.  Which is easy to do since there's nothing like that in our part of the world…I probably wouldn't have so much bravado if I were in Paris surrounded by crepes.  God must have known. 

Now back to my regularly scheduled bowl of carrots...

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